Please have a NERVA/GEVA Membership prior to tryouts. Please bring a Medical Release Form with you on the first day of tryouts.
Everyone trying out needs a valid USA Volleyball Membership. To obtain a membership, Click Here
We must have a medical release form on file or a physical copy. Please obtain the form Click Here
Tryout Fee Payment! Tryouts will be $20 for the tryout sessions.
MEVBC will be hosting fall clinics every Tuesday and Thursday beginning September 17th through October 30th from 6-7:30 PM. These clinics will be a great way to develop volleyball skills and prepare for the volleyball club season. These clinics will be designed for athletes who either want to begin playing or have experience.
Phone: (203)731-4935
Location: Wooster School Danbury, CT
for all girls programs
Insports in Trumbull, CT for all boys programs!
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